These are the top 10 Science YouTube channels in Rusty Science perspective. This is not of a count down type video. It is just a personal view from the makers of this post.

Currently there are 26 million YouTube channels are exist. Many gained more popularity and subscribers. But we have narrowed it down to the categories, in which channel should produce only science related content, not limited only to physics. Channels listed below talks about physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy and math. Definitely there will be some exceptions. Please bare with us.
Let’s Jump into the topic: Number 1
It is OK to be smart:
This channel currently hold approximately 3.1M subscribers, many consider that the host "Joe", is not expressive enough to make the show interesting, but the topics he deal with are intense. The most obvious questions in science are answered with very easy and simple animated examples. They not only cover physics, but biology, math and social science. This is not a tutorial channel. But it can teach you enough theory, facts and history in science in a simple manner.
First time when I saw this video, I was not impressed, because they were explaining problems and solutions with some silly white board sketches. But when I started following it more and deeper, it gave me goose bumps, that the data points, statistics and the amount of information they carry are amazing, It makes me wonder how they can comprise that much information through cartoons. Both the hosts are knowledgeable, expressive and open-minded.
Minute Physics:
I'm one of the long standing subscribers for this channel. Don’t confuse with the name, that their channel contents are only a minute long, it is not. They tried to explain complicated physics problems with simple stick man examples. Their explanations blew my mind many times. Especially in an episode where they explained about Schrodinger's cat experiment, that explanation was very nice and easy to understand. Their topics are thought provoking, if you know some basic understanding about physics, but need some clarity on fundamentals, then, this is the go-to-place for you.
PBS Space Time:
Man, this is an expert’s forum, I suggest not to step into it if you don't have interest in astrophysics, as these guys will eat your mind. This is one of the best creations of PBS Studio I would say. Their host (Matt) explains the advanced concepts of cosmology in his videos. I have never seen any youTube videos where the comment section is completely filled with researching discussion. Fans of the show uses the comments section like discussion forum. The Q&A session from the previous episode is so dramatic, that I love to watch. If you are an advanced user in astrophysics or lover of cosmology, this is the best place for you.
PBS Physics Girl:
DIANA, I don't know how to explain this channel and the host. I wonder with the way she prepares her topics. She is too funny and brilliant. I saw this channel in 2017. She explained about vortex rings. That gave me a good impression about this channel. I never got disappointed with the content. This also one of the finest channels in PBS series. They have many channels in the science community, but these 2 are remarkable. Nowadays, she is featuring in many popular YouTube channels as well.
If you are watching this video till here, you must be interested in science, that means you know this channel already. This is one of the elegant science channels I would say. They cover a wide variety of topics from bottom to top. Whatever be the questions we have in science, they already answered it. I would often say, this is one of the motivational factors that we started our channel. The presentation style and the video quality give interest to watch all the continuous episodes in one shot.
This is one of my favourite channels in my subscription list. If you are a math lover, this channel is going to be a heavenly manna. Frankly speaking, I never thought that mathematicians think this much. Possibly whatever be the sequences we imagine in our mind, they have expressions for that. One of the lovely videos I have watched is “Golden Ratio” video series. They explained advanced concepts with brown paper and simple animation. I love many videos from their channel. You can see many of our videos extracted from this channel.
Smarter Everyday:
Destin is one of the pioneers in YouTube science community, he is one of my two inspirations in my science career. The way he sees the world is totally different. I love the most about this channel is, truthfulness. If he doesn't know something he admits and asks for help from online community to figure out the solution. I have seen many creators who copy content from one channel to another, including me. But he is the one create the content as part of his daily learning. His contents are inspiring and thought provoking. I would say that, you must follow this channel.
Veritas means “Truth” in greek. This name suits this channel 100%. I don't know how the host Derik, gets into places where ordinary people are not permitted to even know. Nuclear launcher, global seed vault, roundest object in the world, Chernobyl and many exotic places. Concepts he presents are so unique that you would never have imagined before. His hosting style is the one I admire the most. He tries to explain complicated concepts in simple layman terms, which really helps newbies like me. He often takes simple questions to explain major concept hiding underneath.
Honorable mentions:
If you like basic electronics: Ben Eater is the place to visit
If you like animals: Animallogic
For Control System: Brian Douglas
For Engineering Basics: Real Engineering
For Science Information: Curious Droid
For Microscopic View: Deeplook
Finally number 10.
Many of you already know that if this channel is not there, then this is not listing. Micheal Steven is my personal favourite for many reasons. I admired at his hosting style, script, concept, attitude, the way he connects the dots and the level of knowledge he shares in a simple video has no match. Mostly, he posts original content. The amount of information we could get from a single video would take minimum 1 week to digest. There is no wonder that he is one of the most successful science YouTubers in the world. I often wonder how the heck he could come up with these kind of thought provoking questions and answers. Earlier his mind field was paid, now he opened everything to public for free. I love his videos.
In case if you are not sure about any of these channels. Don't worry, all these channel links are given below in the description.
The list I have presented is purely from my personal view. It has nothing to do with their fame or popularity. I'm sure if you watch all the videos from their channel, then you may not possibly watch our “Rusty Science”. But it is ok, knowledge is power. If you agree and learned something new today, please give a big thumbs up. If you are not agreeing with this list, please share your favourite channel list in the comment, I'll learn from you. If you think your friend should know about these channels, then share this video through your social media.
Hope you enjoyed it. Let's meet next week. See you.

Currently there are 26 million YouTube channels are exist. Many gained more popularity and subscribers. But we have narrowed it down to the categories, in which channel should produce only science related content, not limited only to physics. Channels listed below talks about physics, chemistry, biology, philosophy and math. Definitely there will be some exceptions. Please bare with us.
Let’s Jump into the topic: Number 1
It is OK to be smart:
This channel currently hold approximately 3.1M subscribers, many consider that the host "Joe", is not expressive enough to make the show interesting, but the topics he deal with are intense. The most obvious questions in science are answered with very easy and simple animated examples. They not only cover physics, but biology, math and social science. This is not a tutorial channel. But it can teach you enough theory, facts and history in science in a simple manner.
First time when I saw this video, I was not impressed, because they were explaining problems and solutions with some silly white board sketches. But when I started following it more and deeper, it gave me goose bumps, that the data points, statistics and the amount of information they carry are amazing, It makes me wonder how they can comprise that much information through cartoons. Both the hosts are knowledgeable, expressive and open-minded.
Minute Physics:
I'm one of the long standing subscribers for this channel. Don’t confuse with the name, that their channel contents are only a minute long, it is not. They tried to explain complicated physics problems with simple stick man examples. Their explanations blew my mind many times. Especially in an episode where they explained about Schrodinger's cat experiment, that explanation was very nice and easy to understand. Their topics are thought provoking, if you know some basic understanding about physics, but need some clarity on fundamentals, then, this is the go-to-place for you.
PBS Space Time:
Man, this is an expert’s forum, I suggest not to step into it if you don't have interest in astrophysics, as these guys will eat your mind. This is one of the best creations of PBS Studio I would say. Their host (Matt) explains the advanced concepts of cosmology in his videos. I have never seen any youTube videos where the comment section is completely filled with researching discussion. Fans of the show uses the comments section like discussion forum. The Q&A session from the previous episode is so dramatic, that I love to watch. If you are an advanced user in astrophysics or lover of cosmology, this is the best place for you.
PBS Physics Girl:
DIANA, I don't know how to explain this channel and the host. I wonder with the way she prepares her topics. She is too funny and brilliant. I saw this channel in 2017. She explained about vortex rings. That gave me a good impression about this channel. I never got disappointed with the content. This also one of the finest channels in PBS series. They have many channels in the science community, but these 2 are remarkable. Nowadays, she is featuring in many popular YouTube channels as well.
If you are watching this video till here, you must be interested in science, that means you know this channel already. This is one of the elegant science channels I would say. They cover a wide variety of topics from bottom to top. Whatever be the questions we have in science, they already answered it. I would often say, this is one of the motivational factors that we started our channel. The presentation style and the video quality give interest to watch all the continuous episodes in one shot.
This is one of my favourite channels in my subscription list. If you are a math lover, this channel is going to be a heavenly manna. Frankly speaking, I never thought that mathematicians think this much. Possibly whatever be the sequences we imagine in our mind, they have expressions for that. One of the lovely videos I have watched is “Golden Ratio” video series. They explained advanced concepts with brown paper and simple animation. I love many videos from their channel. You can see many of our videos extracted from this channel.
Smarter Everyday:
Destin is one of the pioneers in YouTube science community, he is one of my two inspirations in my science career. The way he sees the world is totally different. I love the most about this channel is, truthfulness. If he doesn't know something he admits and asks for help from online community to figure out the solution. I have seen many creators who copy content from one channel to another, including me. But he is the one create the content as part of his daily learning. His contents are inspiring and thought provoking. I would say that, you must follow this channel.
Veritas means “Truth” in greek. This name suits this channel 100%. I don't know how the host Derik, gets into places where ordinary people are not permitted to even know. Nuclear launcher, global seed vault, roundest object in the world, Chernobyl and many exotic places. Concepts he presents are so unique that you would never have imagined before. His hosting style is the one I admire the most. He tries to explain complicated concepts in simple layman terms, which really helps newbies like me. He often takes simple questions to explain major concept hiding underneath.
Honorable mentions:
If you like basic electronics: Ben Eater is the place to visit
If you like animals: Animallogic
For Control System: Brian Douglas
For Engineering Basics: Real Engineering
For Science Information: Curious Droid
For Microscopic View: Deeplook
Finally number 10.
Many of you already know that if this channel is not there, then this is not listing. Micheal Steven is my personal favourite for many reasons. I admired at his hosting style, script, concept, attitude, the way he connects the dots and the level of knowledge he shares in a simple video has no match. Mostly, he posts original content. The amount of information we could get from a single video would take minimum 1 week to digest. There is no wonder that he is one of the most successful science YouTubers in the world. I often wonder how the heck he could come up with these kind of thought provoking questions and answers. Earlier his mind field was paid, now he opened everything to public for free. I love his videos.
In case if you are not sure about any of these channels. Don't worry, all these channel links are given below in the description.
The list I have presented is purely from my personal view. It has nothing to do with their fame or popularity. I'm sure if you watch all the videos from their channel, then you may not possibly watch our “Rusty Science”. But it is ok, knowledge is power. If you agree and learned something new today, please give a big thumbs up. If you are not agreeing with this list, please share your favourite channel list in the comment, I'll learn from you. If you think your friend should know about these channels, then share this video through your social media.
Hope you enjoyed it. Let's meet next week. See you.